The zip format is great for Windows and OS X platforms. Linux command line users may be more comfortable with the tar.gz file The files in each archive are identical. |
2.請下載skyfate所提供的正體中文語系zh_TW.mo(非常感謝skyfate提供,不過請大家不要只顧點左方的zh_TW.mo字樣,因為那無法下載,請點右邊最下方的download: WordPressMU1-zh_TW(BETA).rar
,笨笨的我就是點左邊那個點到冒火還不下載,想 電腦,還跑來這裡要問skyfate,等我找到的時候,才趕快編輯改掉,希望有人不要像我一樣)
Requirements Apart from WordPress Requirements Apache mod_rewrite - if you had WP installed already with fancy URLs then you should be fine. Apache FollowSymlinks must be switched on. This will disappear in later releases. |
安裝 MU 有一個先決條件,那就是您的主機必須有安裝 mod_rewrite 模組(URL覆寫引擎),並且為已啟動狀態,另外還需支援 .htaccess 檔案。 無法安裝時: 1.沒有該模組的話… 想辦法去下載回來安裝並且啟用它。 2.有該模組的話… 打開 conf 資料夾底下的 httpd.conf 檔案,然後搜尋 LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so 找到後,將前頭的 # 號去除(啟用)即可。 |
5.在上傳WPMU所有檔案之前,您可以在wp-config-sample.php中,將define ('WPLANG', ''); 改為 define ('WPLANG', 'zh_TW');。但請不要另外創一個wp-config.php,會造成Error:No WPMU site defined on this host. If you are the owner of this site, please check Debugging WPMU for further assistance.。(我是將wp-config.php刪除後,重新安裝才不會出現那一列)。
Installing WPµ subdomains/blog/httpdocs : FAILED Quick Fix: chmod 777 subdomains/blog/httpdocs subdomains/blog/httpdocs/wp-content/ : FAILED Quick Fix: chmod 777subdomains/blog/httpdocs/wp-content/ Warning! One or more of the above directories must be made writeable by the webserver. Please chmod 777 directory-name or chown that directory to the user the web server runs as (usually nobody, apache, or www-data) Refresh this page when you're done! |
Installing WPµ Blog Addresses Please choose whether you would like blogs for the MU install to use sub-domains or sub-directories. You can not change this later. We recommend sub-domains. Sub-domains (like blog1.example.com) Sub-directories (like example.com/blog1 Database Below you should enter your database connection details. If you're not sure about these, contact your host. Database Name User Name Password Database Host Server Address What is the Internet address of your site? You should enter the shortest address possible. For example, use example.com instead of www.example.com but if you are going to use an address like blogs.example.com then enter that unaltered in the box below. Server Address: Blog Details Weblog Title What would you like to call your weblog? Email Your email address. |
Creating Database Config File: DONE Congrats! Your WPMU site has been set up and you have been sent details of your login and password in an email. |
請點選WPMU site的連結進入首頁,再點選Login,出現登入介面。
9.請至您的信箱中查看密碼,帳號都是admin,密碼是系統亂數設定的,所以,登入後,請到Users的Your Profile中修改您的密碼。
10.再到Site Admin裡的Options中的Default Language:選擇zh_TW語系。